May 18, 2019 — Olympique Lyonnais vs. Barcelona | 2019 UEFA Women’s Champions League Final.
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Hala madrid
Lyon best team ever.
Speed is essential in football.
It's time to revenge next two days
!!! Come on my love Alexia 
Visca Barca!!!
Different barca this year. Reverse scoreline this time.
Ahora es diferente y Barcelona es favorito..
Shanice – Lucy dominating the right side and those Ada finishes

I wish there will be goals in the final just like this match.
It revenge time, Visca Barca

We missed 3 clear cut chances this this was unbelievable. The aitana sub was terrible alexia made mistake after mistake Perreira cost us 2 goals relied solely on our technique the fysicality was none existent alot has changed in three years wauw. Going into the match of saturday with full confidence
Visca Barca
Hope Lyon be European champions again

I Never get tired of watching this over and over and over again , wish that we will get another one pretty soon

Everything has changed a lot since that final
Enhorabona al Lyon

This final will be different. It will be another story. Let's go Barça!

Alexia Puttelas a Ballon d'Or who can't accelerate, run with ball, nor dribble LOL… it is because Barcelona win UWCL.
Ashoala should started that Final
La mia desiderata è che vinca il Barcellona anche se in Olympique Lyonnais giocano due giocatrici Americane e del team USWNT
The vengeance
On est d'accord que le 2eme but de Lyon il est 1 mètre hors-jeu, non?
This coming final is gonna be lit
barca always